Obama, Peace, and Muslims


Its insane to think that a leaders religion does not impact his running the country. Many issues that determine whether someone is elected or not are a direct reflection of their religious beliefs. Abortion, same sex marriage, the environment, historic animosity, these and thousands more topics relate directly to many peoples religion, faith, and belief systems and like it or not even individuals that attempt to be objective see the world through a veil of their experiences and beliefs. What one person considers grounds for war another person is happy to forgive in the interest of peace - religion is such a tipping point because people feel so strongly about their beliefs.

I would be terrified if the president was an extremist Muslim but I would welcome a liberal one that focuses on the origins of the religion with its amazing capacity for giving, tenderness, gender equality, peaceful co-existence with other religions, and so on. It all comes down to what do they believe specifically on relevant issues.

As for the false info that Obama is a Muslim, he's an easy target with a "strange" name and the fact that he's not white. Thats beside the fact that people don't realize that there are good Muslims and bad, just like any religion! I think specifically, its mostly American ignorance coupled with bad past experiences with extremist groups. America is lazy about seeing both sides of a issue, hence we initiated a war with a country no where near us. As far as I know that is something we have never done. People have taken advantage of that ignorance by leading the nation astray in an awkward avoidable retaliation that killed many innocent people - just as the terrorist attacks did. Hate does not satisfy hate it just creates more hate, only love can appease hate - I think the Dalai Lama said that among others.

I'm starting to think that religion doesn't kill people, its politics that kills people. Most major religions have peace and kindness as their core beliefs.

-Peter Ochabski