Facebook fiasco


I use facebook and love the way I can stay in touch with my friends all over the world and in different time zones including family in Poland and friends in Thailand and so on. I log on once or twice a week, I originally just used it to stay in touch with work friends from the tech industries I've worked for. I also frequently post my artwork to get quick feedback and hopefully a moral boost. Recently tagged pictures of me from Burning man, a crazy and formerly somewhat secretive event in the desert were posted by friends that I initially wanted removed immediately as in the photos I had a red Mohawk and was wearing a glittery shirt while riding the desert on a bicycle covered in wings and things... all while was looking for work with conservative tech companies that would probably not approve. Interestingly It made me come to the conclusion that I don't want to work somewhere that would not hire me because I happen to like a certain hairstyle so its actually led to self acceptance, confidence and a coming together of all the facets of me into one, strong, image.
The tech is ripe for abuse and is actually a bit insidious in that it can create connections and provide information that you did not intend. For example I could be in someone else photo, in the background, unintended but that would provide information on my location, my clothing, my companions, all of which could be used for everything from selling me location based clothing deals to associating me with people I don't even know. I think its all about the unintentional information that can be gleaned.
I think it does apply because too often the people that set these beasts loose do not take responsibility for them. The nuclear bomb was created but the people who made it are not held responsible for what their governments do with it. It is a fine line to walk especially when it comes to information, privacy and technology.
I really feel that as long as a person has complete control over whether they are included in the facial recognition and other privacy issues then you have a per-case solution. There will never be a one-size-fits-all when it comes to privacy and Facebook should realize that by now.
-Peter Ochabski